Thursday, August 27, 2020

Frizzy Ends vs Split Ends

Afro Textured Hair is made up of tiny curls, coils, kinks and waves and frizz occurs when the individual strands are separated from each other. There is a difference between frizzy ends and split ends. Frizz is not necessarily indicative of damage so frizzy ends do not always need to be cut off. Sometimes frizzy hair just needs a styling product to help to smooth the cuticles. 

Split ends are entirely different from frizz. When the ends are split they separate into two and need to be cut off to prevent the split from travelling up the hair shaft. If you are trying to grow your hair long, I advise you to use the 'search and destroy' method to trim off your split ends. This will help to ensure that you're trimming splits rather than frizz.