Saturday, October 31, 2020

Hair Growth and Length Retention


The rate at which our hair grows and the thickness of our hair is down to genetics, but on average, hair grows about 1/2 an inch each month. This varies from person to person and is affected by different factors. There are a number of things we can do to ensure that out hair grows at a good rate. The first thing is to drink a sufficient amount of water. Health professionals say that people should consume about two litres of water a day. This includes water naturally present in various foods as well as water found in drinks. When the body is properly hydrated it is able to function well, which in turn allows it to nourish the hair follicles enabling them to produce healthy strands of hair at a decent rate of growth.

A well balanced diet helps to nourish our body which in turn helps to keep our hair in good condition. The World Health Organisation recommends that people should eat at least five different portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Fruits and vegetables contain a number of vitamins and minerals which reduce the risks of diseases and health problems. In addition to eating well, it is important to get an adequate amount of exercise. Working out helps blood to flow to the scalp which stimulates hair growth. A healthy body is able to produce a healthy head of hair. 

  Scalp massages help to stimulate hair growth as they increase blood circulation to the follicles. Certain Essential Oils such as Rosemary, Peppermint, Lavender and Tea Tree are known to stimulate the scalp promoting hair growth. These essential oils are not suitable for young children, pregnant women, or women who are breast feeding. To make your own growth blend combine 2% Esssential Oils with 0.5% Vitamin E and 97.5% Carrier Oils and massage into the scalp 3 to 5 times a week.

In addition to stimulating the scalp, we also need to prevent hair breakage. Low manipulation styles protect hair from the wear and tear of frequent styling because combing the hair can make it break off at the ends. It's also important to condition our hair according to our hair type because when it comes to hair care, one size does NOT fit all. 

Research has shown that people with afro textured hair produce less sebum than other hair types which can lead to dryness and breakage. Thankfully God has provided a number of natural oils, waxes, fats and butters that can help to lock in moisture and keep our hair in great condition. 

Protective styles are a great way to retain length and there are several styles to choose from including braids, twists, buns, cornrows and flat twists. Wigs and hair pieces can be worn to cover cornrows and flat twists locking in moisture and keeping them protected from harsh elements in the environment. It's important to keep our protective styles moisturised to prevent our hair from drying out. Liquid moisturisers with humectants and oils are as good option for braids and twists.

At night it's important to wrap your hair with a satin scarf or bonnet  because cotton absorbs moisture so it can dry out our hair. If you don't like covering your hair at night you can sleep on a satin pillowcase or bed sheet.